ETAG Working Group - Eliminating the Achievement Gap in 5 years
Community-based Working Group focused on Summit, NJ Public Schools
Our objective is to eliminate the achievement gap in five (5) years, an initiative that builds on the Summit’s tradition and reputation of excellence in public school education. While there is not unanimity on how to characterize the educational gap, there is little disagreement that the public school does not work equally as well for all students or that family and community involvement positively impact student success. In fact, current scholarship concludes that a partnership of school-families-and community is foundational to ensuring equity and excellence in education for all children. Our effort focuses on contributions in three areas: ENGAGING STUDENTS, EMPOWERING FAMILIES, EFFECTING POLICIES AND PRACTICES.
“Education is a core value of our democratic society, and it is in everyone’s self-interest to ensure that all children receive a quality education. Our democracy as well as our economy depends on an educated citizenry and skilled work force.” NEA
“Until we get equality in education, we won’t have an equal society.” Sonia Sotomayor
“The greatest irony is that students are being judged by and blamed for their own predicament.” Tera Hunter
School Year Community Conversation - June 27, 2021
SHS Black Students Union conversation- April 23, 2021
Creating Equitable Learning Environments March 14, 2021
Building a partnership for Excellence and Equity in Education Nov 15, 2020
Engaging Students
Learning resources
Virtual Academy
Peer support
Empowering Families
School-family-community Partnerships
Networks and meetings
Effecting Policies and Practices
Incorporating ETAG in school targets
Identifying students for rigorous coursework
Advanced coursework preparedness since early childhood
ETAG in professional development of teachers, counselors, and administrators
Partnering with Others
Board of Education & School District
Summit Interfaith Council (SIC)
Anti-racism Committee collaboration
S4A Meeting of the heart & mind
Other organizations and leaders